Friday, 28 January 2011

Save our Woodland!

So, the government has announced its plans to sell off the nation's publicly owned woodland.  This is obviously a measure designed to raise money to help ease the deficit.  While I am all in favour of cutting the deficit as quickly as possible, I don't believe this is the way to do it. 

There has been a lot of campaigning against the proposed sale and already the government is showing signs of backing down from its decision.  I am not going to repeat arguments why we shouldn't sell the public forests, the arguments for this can be provided elsewhere.  However I would like to propose an argument for why we should keep the woodland.  The value of the woodland is immeasurable and the force of opinion this news is generating is a sign of that.  I also feel there is the potential to create real economic value from the woodland without the privatisation of historic areas.

There is a premise in the government's decision to sell the woodland: private companies would be able to profit from purchasing this woodland.  There are many commercial areas of woodland that are profitable (even discounting the tax relief available on woodland ownership).  The risk is that by letting the forests fall into private hands, the freedoms the public have will be lost.  I am no expert on the Forestry Commission, but from what I can tell it does an adequate job in preserving the woodland it controls for the enjoyment of as many as possible.

If the woodlands at risk of sale have the potential of profit for private companies why not change the remit of the Forestry Commission to begin exploring the revenue streams it could create through its own woodland?  I am not talking about the obvious timber values but other public values it could create.  Why not open centres and tea shops to encourage visitors?  Why not use its existing expertise to run training courses for people interested in forestry and engage with other woodland owners?  Some potential purchasers of the woodland up for grabs, such as The National Trust have mooted such ideas, I would argue that long term value can be created for the public by following these lines or with partnerships rather than a wholesale sell off that will mean the public losing control of this great asset.

Friday, 14 January 2011


Ecotricity, an electricity company which sources all its electricity from wind turbines, recently raised a £10million bond release.  This is the largest private bond release in the UK and was even 50% over subscribed.  The company offered interest rates of 7% or 7.5% for its customers.  The company promotes itself as the largest investor (by customer spend) in renewable electricity in the UK and has several wind farms across the country plus more in the pipeline- which it will spend its bond capital on.

This scheme is interesting on many different levels, the scale of the bond issue, the high interest rates offered and its over-subscription.  What is even more interesting is that this comes at a time of economic downturn when we are told people have very little money to invest or spend.  Most financiers might have thought now was not the ideal time to launch such an ambitions bond release.  However this is not the case and the launch, not widely covered in the press, has been a huge success.  This is surely a sign that investors are happy to trust green companies with their money and many analysts are now predicting a surge in green investment.

With the government promising a green investment bank, which should open its doors in 2012, things are looking promising for Britain's green credentials.  Often environmental projects face early fund raising issues owing to high start-up costs but if money is invested wisely we could see great returns, both financially and for the environment.  The caveat here is that we need to ensure we do not create an 'eco boom' that leads to a bust and that money is spent wisely and carefully to offer the best sustainable solutions but not throwing money at any project that labels itself green.  What is needed now are strong financial analysis tools that will allow us to find the best places to invest in not just investing in anything green because it is the fashionable thing to do.

Environmentalists and investment bankers are not normally bed-fellows but there is a possibility that working together could become a win-win situation.

Friday, 7 January 2011

International Development

There is a growing realisation that if the developed world is to move towards a sustainable economy then a helping hand needs to be given to the developing world.  While the UN predicts an increase in world population to reach 9 billion by 2050 the majority of this growth is in the developing world.  As the developing world becomes developed people expect further consumption of goods such as cars and larger houses that put further pressure on the planet's resources.  If 6 billion people are already causing so much damage to the planet, with a third of the population being responsible for the majority, what hope do we have with 9 billion people expecting the same level of lifestyle?  The problem is that even if the developed world becomes completely sustainable, those developing cause just as much damage.

There are two apparent solutions: stop the developing world becoming developed or somehow force them to reduce their population growth rates.  Neither of these are morally or politically acceptable, but there may be a solution that will solve all these problems in one.  It may in fact be the case that doing the reverse is the best option.  As populations become developed, their population growth rate tends to decrease.

This, at first, appears counter-intuitive.  Surely as health care improves, more people will survive and therefore the population will grow?  Evidence suggests otherwise however and some slightly more complex logic needs to be applied.  In a developing nation it pays to have more children.  Where infant mortality is high, parents have more children, assuming some may become ill they need more to compensate for this.  They also need more children that are able to work so that they can provide for the parents when they become too old to work.  The cycle then becomes a generational increase in population growth.  When a country becomes more developed the population growth decreases for a variety of reasons.  Improvements in healthcare mean child mortality improves, meaning parents no longer have extra children in case some die.  Educational improvements mean people are able to make more informed decisions over parenting, most significantly, women are liberated and have a greater choice over whether to have children or not.  Commercial improvements mean people are able to secure more stable incomes and do not need children that will support them in their later life.

I accept this is a very simplistic view and do not want to appear patronising.  I don't think the conclusion of this is to simply impose 'Western' style developments on developing countries and expect them to become developed nations that are simply copies of existing  countries.  Yet there is a compelling case that by giving aid in the right areas developed nations can improve the lives of those living in developing nations as well as improving the global prosperity.  Such giving, done in the correct way, can significantly help countries and in the longer term ensure global cooperation on many different levels that would not exist without such a view on the world stage.

Finally a little thought for you.  The US spent a lot of money fighting the war in Vietnam to prevent it becoming Communist.  What they achieved was alienating the people they sought to help and ultimately not doing much to stop the Communists.  If the money they spent on bombs had been spent on rice and development aid they would have probably achieved a lot more with much less destruction.  Will we ever learn lessons like this for international development?

Monday, 3 January 2011

The Wealth of Nations

There is a small point that I would like to make clear.  The terms rich and wealthy have become synonyms, but there is a subtle difference in the way I use them and their consequences.  Rich, by my definition, means having a lot of money.  Wealthy means to be able to support a lifestyle.  To illustrate the difference, consider two people who have just won £1million on the lottery.

The first goes out and buys a huge mansion using a mortgage to cover most of the purchase, then a sports car, luxury holiday and clothes.  This person now would be described as rich, with the possessions expected of that amount of money.

The second person buys several properties outright, lives in one and rents the others out. With the rental income they are able to support a modest but debt free lifestyle.  This I would describe as wealthy.

This is a basic example but I want to highlight the difference I see in the two.  I would also like you to consider which lifestyle you would pick from these two.

Prosperity Without Growth?

A great place to start in the debate on sustainable capitalism is Tim Jackson's work Prosperity Without Growth? This link is to the original report which has since been revised and published as a book.  In it he sets out the main problems with the issues of growth and the rate at which we need to change in order to become more sustainable.  What is refreshing about this work is that it is not written in the preaching manner that many people adopt on sustainability.  Instead it looks at facts from an economic perspective, dealing with the stark realities and some of the flaws in current economic thinking, such as decoupling and how it might not be the answer we are all looking for.

The reason I picked this work as a place to start is that it covers most of the topics that are relevant, it outlines the problems we currently face and suggests some solutions.  It calls for a holistic approach to changing the way we look at our economic systems, particularly in the developed world so that our measures of prosperity move away from growth models, towards human development aims.

My one fear with this kind of report is that it requires everybody to make changes in their lifestyles.  I fear this is far too idealistic and perhaps the hardest struggle of all will be convincing people that this is in their best interests,

Sunday, 2 January 2011

New Year, New Blog!

I have started this blog as a portal to my research and thinking on sustainable capitalism.  What this aims to do is show how capitalism can become more sustainable and worthwhile.  I believe capitalism is the best economic model we have, but there are a few changes that need to be made in order to make it more useful for humanity and the environment.  I don't believe I have all the answers, but I hope to bring together like minded thinkers and get the debate going and see where it leads us.

One of the major problems with capitalism is the concept of 'growth' and its consequences.  Capitalism has become addicted to growth, through its aims and even its measures of success, such as GDP and market share etc.  I believe this has led to wrong decisions being made, the wrong targets being used and will ultimately end in humans destroying the planet through their actions.  It is a fact that in the UK and other developed countries we have created a consumption based system which does not necessarily make our lives more fulfilled.  In fact the opposite is the case: it seems the richer we get the more unhappy we become and there is pain for those that are unable to quench that man-made desire for more.

What are the consequences of growth?  We live on a finite planet and are rapidly using all our available resources, without consideration for what happens when they are all gone.  The planet can survive without humans, but we cannot survive without the planet.  Therefore we need to develop methods of using the limited resources we have to the best of their ability to provide prosperity for all rather than taking them for granted.  It is this idea that will form the basis for my blog. 

I hope you find what I say interesting and that it might make you think a little harder about how you live; I also look forward to hearing your own thoughts and contributions to this concept.